Thursday, December 3, 2015

What Inspires

It's funny how we start researching one thing on the internet or we get on the computer to do a certain thing and end up doing something completely different.  This is usually a case of 'Being Distracted 101.'  I had a rough day today.  It was rough because I lost my temper more than once.  I ran out of patience with my 7 yr old.  We have been homeschooling for 3 1/2 months now.  Yes, we are newbies at the homeschool lifestyle.

In this process of adjusting to our new lifestyle I have found comfort in reading homeschool blogs.  I will simply type into the Google search engine what I'm struggling with or have a question about, looking for others out there who have dealt with the same thing.  I've asked, "Finding a homeschool rhythm", "Figuring out a homeschool schedule", "Homeschooling a defiant child," and the never ending question of "homeschool curriculum" (Thank you Cathy Duffey for being a consistent and amazing resource).  And every single time, I come up with endless articles of this very thing, other mothers who have gone though the same thing as me.  So today I wanted to read about homeschooling a child who you basically feel like you're wrestling with every day just to get their basic work done.  It is exhausting.  I came across Carletta's "Successful Homeschooling Blog."  It was just what I needed.  A great resource that pulled from, of course, other amazing bloggers!

This was great information, but then I clicked on one article, which led to another article.  I then went back to the first article.  You know the drill.  From Carletta's blog, I found myself at The Legacy of Home blog.  I became thoroughly distracted and read at least 30 of her blog posts.  It was such a different yet refreshing perspective.  So simple, smart, well spoken, 'old school', insightful, selfless.  I thoroughly enjoyed it!  It inspired me to be a better mother, a better teacher, a better wife, to find joy in serving in my home, to better love and enjoy my children, to read from good books, to be more patient and long suffering (because motherhood requires this of course:)).  I didn't feel like I needed to do more or I wasn't good enough or why can't I do all of that in my home.  I just felt inspired and uplifted.  It's seemingly small experiences like this that inspire me to share a bit of my story.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


A friend of mine once described her mental state while running a marathon. You hit a wall and you have to keep going, she said. I often think about that state of mind in my every day life. I go, go, go, cleaning and picking up in the morning. I help the boys get ready for school, make sure they clean up after themselves, make their lunch, have prayer, send them out the door, empty the dishwasher, switch laundry, fold and put away laundry, pick up around the house, clear off hot spots (and sometimes get lost in doing it for some time), make Ammon breakfast, play with Ammon, feed and take care of my sweet baby Clara and the list goes on. I had a thought today. If someone asks me to help with something, I can simply say I have a full-time job. That full-time job is taking care of 4 children. IT IS A FULLTIME Job for me. Taking care of the home, shopping, cleaning, etc are all IN ADDITION to taking care of my children and their basic physical, emotional and spiritual needs. If I lived 100 years ago and were rich, I would hire someone to do the cleaning, cooking, laundry and I would just be a nanny and governess to my children, HAHA.

Today, I had a headache. I'm pretty sure I had a headache because I didn't take the time to eat enough of the right foods. I made myself some scrambled eggs, but I also had a brownie from last night and M&Ms scattered throughout the morning until I left to do some shopping. 4 hours later when I arrived home, I had a car full of food to put away, 2 hungry and tired babies, I was VERY hungry, 10 minutes before my other 2 kids would be home from school, I had a headache, a dishwasher full of clean dishes, a sink and countertop full of dirty dishes, laundry in the washer, dryer, on the couch and in the living room in a basket. Disclaimer: Not every day is like this and it wasn't my best day for time management and preparedness. But not every day can be perfect and sometimes things just need to get done, like taking my jogging stroller to get the wheel fixed (so I can get OUT of the house and exercise) and doing some overdue grocery shopping.

So every day, if I don't make myself sit down and take rest breaks, physical and mental breaks, I inevitably hit a wall. Often times, it is when 2 of my kids are about to be home from school and dinner and evening duties need to begin. I don't have time to hit a wall! So like my friend running a marathon, I find myself running a daily marathon of motherhood and I have to push through those walls and keep going until after the kids are in bed. I guess that is my finish line each day...until the baby wakes up around midnight *smile*.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Late Starts

Many days, I feel like I'm getting a late start. A late start to my day, a late start to my projects, a late to start to cleaning the house. Yes, I admit I need to go to bed earlier...that will help! However, for me, I think feeling this way is a natural part of having young children to care for.

It was another night of waking up multiple times with my 7 month old DD. We are trying to transition her to sleeping in her crib in her 2 year old brother's room. I was so exhausted this morning. I woke up and made my 8 and 6 year olds their lunches for school, made sure all homework was done and all papers were signed. We had prayer and they were off to school. Then my 2 year old woke up. I had him go potty (he is potty training), helped him get dressed, put some cereal in a baggy for him, started his "Iron Man" movie and I nodded in and out of sleep on the couch with him while my little one slept all morning.

Fast forward to 3:00pm this afternoon. I am looking at myself in the mirror; glasses, pajamas, no make-up, I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet today. Fly lady would ask, "What happened to your morning routine?" I'd like to know the answer to that too.

Within a short time I got myself together and the house looking descent. I even swept (my 8 year old helped), mopped, wiped down the table, started pizza dough in the bread machine, did the dishes and started a load of cloth diaper laundry.

What did I do all day, you ask??

After we got off the couch this morning, we read books, picked up the babies room, cleaned out outgrown clothes, pulled out the next size of hand-me-downs, had a great conversation with my sister about everything under the sun until my phone died, played dinosaurs, made peanut butter, banana, honey sandwiches, ate fruit snacks and apples. That's a start anyway.

Just another beautifully amazing day watching little ones grow up....despite me being in my pajamas most of the day.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Old Friends

September 22, 2014

Another day, trying to establish routines, keep a clean home, make a healthy dinner, visit with friends, teach my children to be kind to each other, clean up after themselves, potty in the toilet, manage bills and figure out where all the money goes.

I have a dear friend. She is most special to me because she took care of my oldest son for 6 months when he was a baby. My son was born as I was finishing occupational therapy school. I had finished all my classes, but had 6 months of clinicals to complete before I could take the national board test and receive my license to practice. I was torn because I wanted so bad to be a full time stay at home mom to my new little man.

I treasured every moment the first 5 months of his life before leaving him every day for most of the day. I dreaded it. I missed being the one to see him do all his "firsts." For the first years of all children's lives, there are "firsts" daily, or weekly. They lift their head, make eye contact, smile, say "mama" and "dada", roll over, sit up, crawl, say other first words and phrases, cruise, walk, sing a song, say a prayer, eat new things, say the strangest and funniest things, learn the ABCs, colors, who Jesus is. I did not want to miss a moment. BUT.....I knew that I had started something that I needed to finish and that it would be worth it. I did not want to put my son in daycare because I wanted him to have the one-on-one care the same as I would provide. I was going to be working full-time, not being paid and actually having to pay for the credits.

Rachael was the answer to all my prayers. She was a young college student, not married and had no children. She LOVED children and had a reputation for being an amazing babysitter and nanny. She also refused to take more than $100 a month. She loved my son, sang to him, played with him, kept his routine. When she was in class, another young girl, 16 years old, who was finishing her high school education as a home school student, would watch him. It worked perfectly.

I saw Rachael today for the first time in 7 years. It was wonderful. She has two beautiful young daughters and is expecting her third little girl.

There are so many people that touch our lives and bless our lives. I hope we all take the time to thank those people and tell them how much we care for and appreciate them.